Who we are, where we come from, what we do and where we are going. We are the NGO En Colores, an institution with a vast trajectory in artistic production and commercial relationship with large, medium and small companies for the realization of large-scale citizen projects in the field of visual arts. In addition, our areas of development have always been street art, popular and classical music, hip hop, training, workshops and guidance for the development of the creative economy thanks to our Conversor Program.

Our goal, in addition to the expansion of Chile's cultural progress and its citizens, aims at the economic progress of people dedicated to the arts from the perspective of creators as well as cultural managers or producers. We are intending a cultural revolution upwards, starting with the first step, the philosopher's stone that is the change in the artist's mental predisposition in their positioning in front of and within society in its business dimension, this through the strengthening of their economic being thanks to the transfer of knowledge in strategies, management, personal and commercial finances, contents that solidify the artist in their daily social development as well as at the exact moment of the negotiations that will occur in their life from now on into the future.

Medium-Term Objective

Our medium-term projection is that all artists in the country have solidly and forcefully internalized the technical concepts and content for the development and growth of their SMEs, carrying greater personal security that will grant greater bargaining power and respect for the value of the transaction of both their products or services.

Long-Term Objective

That art in Chilean society goes from the current situation that can be summarized as: Products or services Not thought about, Not sought after, Not bought to products or services Thought about, Sought after, Bought.

Project stages


Horacio Silva Duarte

Cultural project manager, PR / Marketing, DUOC.

Ignacio Marambio

Methodological Manager of the program. Execution Engineer in Business Administration, DUOC.

Maximiliano Zamora

Head of Formalization / IRS module. Accountant, UV.

Valentina Zamudio

Audiovisual Producer of the program. Audiovisual Communicator, DUOC.

Mario Cuche

Head of Los Controversistas Blog. Journalist, PUC.

Allan Gaymer

Designer and Website Manager of the program. Graphic Designer, UV.

Hugo Pizarro

Head of Public Financing module. Cultural Manager. Superior Technician in Public Management CFT Universidad Valparaíso.

Contact us here or you can also write to us at [email protected]

Contact us here or you can also write to us at [email protected]